Home The Passage of Conquest by T.D. Kuchel

The Passage of Conquest by T.D. Kuchel

by T.L. Branson

The Passage of Conquest by T.D. Kuchel

A fast paced YA Historical Fantasy
During an evening, promising adventure aboard a galleon, eighteen year old Giselle is marooned on a tropical island.
As she begins to uncover remnants of an ancient civilisation, she learns that she has travelled to a parallel world and that the island was veiled four hundred years ago to prevent an ancient evil from escaping.
As the mystery of the islands history unfolds, Giselle is drawn into a desperate quest for a key that will enable safe passage home aboard the galleon before it is used to unleash death and destruction throughout time and space.

About T.D. Kuchel

Having admired works of time travel and parallel worlds since a young age, T. D. Kuchel brilliantly captures the essence of reality with his fictional tales. Though, also partial to drama and a worthy love story, his tales flicker with romance and suspense. A keen traveller, T. D. Kuchel longs for adventure and strives to write first-hand of locations around the globe. The plot for his debut novel, The Passage of Conquest, was conceived whilst sailing the Whitsunday Islands. Between exploits, he resides in The Barossa Valley, where he enjoys quality time with his family, the local splendour of food and wine and writing in his home library.